AHC UK Annual Report Dec 2020 – April 21
Attached below is the Alternating Hemiplegia of Childhood (AHC UK) Annual Report December 2020 – April 2021 Annual Report December 2020-April 2021 Feature image: Estée Janssens from Unsplash.
Understanding sleep in AHC and how you can get involved – Dr. Simona Balestrini
Join us this Wednesday at 8.30 pm UK time to hear Dr Simona Balestrini discuss her research plans for understanding sleep in AHC and how you can get involved. You’re…
Prof Sanjay Sisodiya speaks to Torie Robinson (Epilepsy Sparks) about Climate Change & Epilepsy
Thanks to Torie Robinson of Epilepsy Sparks for conducting an epilepsy sparks insight interview with Prof. Sanjay Sisodiya about his research and involvement with Climate Change and Epilepsy. Video from…
Conference Gallery (Day 3)
A picture collage of the happenings of Day 3 at the AHC & ATP1A3 10-year anniversary conference and 10th Symposium on ATP1A3 in disease. Please click on the image below…
Conference Gallery (Day 2)
A picture collage of the happenings of Day 2 at the AHC & ATP1A3 10-year anniversary conference and 10th Symposium on ATP1A3 in disease. Please click on the image below…
Conference Gallery (Day 1)
A picture collage of the happenings of Day 1 at the AHC & ATP1A3 10-year anniversary conference and 10th Symposium on ATP1A3 in disease. Please click on the image below…
Final Day 3: (Theme: The Future) Memories to remember and ways to think ahead with research & involvement of the AHC community
Final Day 3: (Theme: The Future). The AHC community, researchers/clinicians & everyone present at the event and online gave respect to all the AHC Champions that have sadly passed away…
Day 2: Photo Collage of the 10 Years Anniversary Symposium of AHC & ATP1A3 Diseases
Day 2: (Theme: The Present). We had speakers (researchers/clinicians) speaking and presenting about topics such as sharing current research on the life course, clinical perspective, and key dilemmas for clinicians,…
Day 1: Picture Collage on Facebook for 10 Years AHC & ATP1A3 Symposium (Edinburgh) 19th Oct 2022
We would like to thank Malcolm Cochrane for all the amazing professional pictures he has taken for the symposium.
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